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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the GC Ruscello Floss 30m Mint Waxed Purple would interest you.

Introducing GC Ruscello floss. It’ll brighten your day with its colours and freshness and look after your teeth with its wedge shaped fibre innovation.

GC Ruscello floss uses micro-fibre technology – each fibre is approximately 1/100th the thickness of human hair. Ruscello has 5 times as many fibers as existing floss, making it easy to reach every corner in the mouth. 

Ruscello fibres are wedge-shaped: plaque is easily taken up into its micro-porosities and wiped away.

Ruscello floss has exceptionally soft texture – it does not hurt even when attached to the gingiva. A waxed coating enables the floss to slide effortlessly between teeth.

GC Ruscello floss has a great mint flavour for a refreshing finish.

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